We’re expecting to hear the results of the application to list the RVT any day now. While we watch the clock, find out about the application.
RVT Future newsletter #3 – August 2015
We realise we haven’t been in touch for a while, so just wanted to give you a quick update of where things stand with our campaign to ensure the future of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern – the UK’s oldest LGBTQ pub and performance venue. We’re on tenterhooks to hear whether our application to make the […]
Our response to Immovate’s threatening open letter
This week, Immovate associates Martin Kurschel, Chairman Immovate Holding and Dr. Xaver Kriechbaum, Director IC London published an open letter to RVT Future via James Lindsay’s website and the Royal Vauxhall Tavern customer database. The original letter can be found here. They make a number of astonishing claims, including: The current RVT lease holders pay no rent […]
Mayor Boris Johnson: “Make the RVT a listed building!”
Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, has come out in favour of RVT Future’s campaign to make the Royal Vauxhall Tavern a listed building. Johnson said: “The Royal Vauxhall Tavern has been a lynchpin at the heart of London’s LGBT community for more than six decades. This week, New York gave the Stonewall Inn landmark […]
Paul O’Grady & Ian McKellen: “Make the RVT a listed building!”
Paul O’Grady and Sir Ian McKellen have given their support to RVT Future’s campaign to make the Royal Vauxhall Tavern a listed building. They are among more than 30 performers, producers, local residents, LGBTQ charities, architects, historians and politicians who have written to Historic England (formerly English Heritage) to back the listing. The local vicar […]
RVT Future newsletter #1 – June 2015
Thank you for supporting our campaign to safeguard the future of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern – London’s oldest LGBTQ pub and iconic performance venue. Over the last two months we’ve had more than 10,000 visitors to our website and thousands of people subscribing to our newsletter, Twitter and Facebook pages. Our campaign to get Historic […]
RVT Future: come show your support!
RVT Future invites you to a get-together at the Vauxhall Griffin on Sunday 21 June from 4pm. Downstairs will be a social gathering for supporters of the campaign: this is your chance to come along, show solidarity and to get involved! The event will be attended by members of the RVT Future committee who want to […]
An important update about the listing
Hello, all. We were just working on our first newsletter, which will be heading to all our subscribers tomorrow, when we learned of some important news we wanted to share right away. Today, the current owners of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern – James Lindsay and property development company Immovate – have launched a new website, www.lovethervt.com. This site […]
Event: Screening of ‘Save The RVT’ film
Come join RVT Future at the Cinema Museum on Sunday 26 April, 7pm for a special screening of Save The Tavern – Tim Brunsden’s 50-minute documentary about the history of the RVT, which recently played to a packed-out crowd as part of BFI Flare – followed by a Q&A about the campaign from some of those […]